About Sand Dunes ELC

Sand Dunes ELC is a privately owned and locally run Early Learning Centre. We are an innovative centre providing high quality education and dedicated care to all families in our community. We believe in providing a home away from home environment where families are supported in their philosophies and beliefs in child development.

We offer a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment, rich in resources and enthusiastic teachers. Our daily program emphasises the importance of family and community involvement, autonomy, creativity, social competence and problem solving.  We believe in providing an environment and curriculum that lay the foundations of our children’s footsteps for the future.
We are located in Plimmerton surrounded by sheep filled hill sides, native bush and a coastal village. We recognise the value of ‘kiwi kids’ in respect of our back yard being our learning canvas. We have our own animal farm empowering learning through the natural world.